Howdy do.
Welcome to my unofficial webtv geekz club page.

What is the unofficial webtv geekz club? Is it a slam against webtv users? A putdown to those that spend a lot of time on webtv? A page put up by a slightly demented, out of work cartoonist, trying to get his work seen?
Well, yes to that last one. As for the rest of it . . . the unofficial webtv geekz club is just a group of proud people (some of them human) who use webtv (alot. I mean we're talking, like, addiction here). Some what like a fan club.

How do you know if you are one of these lucky people?
Well, the signs and symptoms of being a webtv geek include some of the following: Spending more then a hour a night on webtv or more then a few hours a week, use of more then one screen name, having Draacs gifts pages stored in your favorites folders (not the main page--I mean at least 2 or more pages), you can actually give a list of Draacs gifts, use of more than one html code in your webtv sig box, having seperate html codes, one for e-mail and one for posting to discussion groups, having a pc connected to the internet, but ignoring it in favor of webtv, been mistaken as a troll at least twice, been kicked out of Talk City one or more times, been on webtv long enough to realize that the "go webtv" number you got with the instruction booklet of your webtv unit doesnot get you intouch with webtv, if for one reason or another the folks at abuse at webtv are on a frist name bases with you, you actually enjoy the webtv's background music, you find yourself talking html to friends and family, you actually write or say aloud "Post" after you finish saying or writing something, you have at least 2 homepages under two separate screen names . . .

You get the point. I myself am guilty of almost all of these things, which makes me a big time geek. And I am very proud of this fact. If you out there feel you may also be a webtv geek and are equally proud of this fact, you may want to join the club by either signing the guest book and announcing to the entire net that you are a Proud Webtv Geek. Or you could use one of the free pics I made up.
That's all I got to say.

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Note: I am looking for work as a cartoonist, and can be reached at,